Feel the taste and some moreTry our delicious pork nuggets seasoned by an Award winning chef, tossed into sumptuous range of sauces to choose from. Whether you are looking to have a whole big bowl for you and your paddies or you are looking to go solo we have something on the menu to suit you. Explore the rangeDelicious bush meats on a stick For our Kebab loving fans, we have great news for you this season. We are serving delicious Kbehabs made from the regular meat range such as goat, pork, sheep, beef or an exciting range of bush meats such as Akrantie, Kusie, etc. Don’t miss out on the crunchy side vegetables that go with it . Explore the rangeLovely Carbo Base for power!For our rice lovers or those looking for the traditional carbs to
lay a good energy foundation we offer delicious rice, Kenkey or gari fortor to go with your proteins . Explore the range